Why the Radio is More Effective Than TV in Both Rural and Urban Population?

Radio advertising is one of the old traditional marketing platforms which has raised many businesses to their profit since it’s inception.The doom of radios was predicted back in the 40s & 50s with the arrival of TV. In the age of digitalization where people spend a lot of time in surfing the internet. The advertisement through the Tv & internet has the substantial influence on the current marketing strategies harbored by the businesses. But surprisingly the statistics show that the radio advertising has still survived against the modern marketing platforms and continues to flourish.
What that particular aspect which has kept radio advertising quite useful even to this date? Let’s understand the reasons behind the secret of the ever-increasing popularity of the radio advertising.

  • The reason behind this is the broad reach of radio in the consumers of every age. 
  • A 30 second of dedicated user attention is a real achievement for any marketer when compared to the user attention of hardly few seconds on a webpage. It’s highly likely that a consumer will click away on another web page in few seconds if they lose interest in your advertisement, but while listening to the radio, the customers usually do not change the radio channels frequently and tend to give some time to listen to the ads continuously. 
  • The radio ads are created with jingles, dialogues and a particularly interesting script which is quite effective in grabbing the potential client’s attention without hindrance. The medium of sound and spoken images has the greatest influence on the minds of a potential customer. When the products are advertised in the form of jingles & dialogues, the brand of the product can be easily remembered compared to the advertisements in text format on the internet. 
  • The radio advertising can be done effectively to target the unique group of customers specifically. So, a business owner can choose a particular channel which is best suited for the marketing of his/her products.
  • The radio advertisements create the fictional scene with the dialogues which are visualized by the customers by their imagination. So, the radio ads tap into the imaginative power of the consumers which help to retain the self-created image and brand name of the product in their mind for a long time.
  • The radio advertisements are cost-efficient and less time-consuming. Just a small creative thought can create a catchy tune or a jingle which will give the identity to your product. Take the example of ‘Nirma Soap.' The same catchy jingle is being used by the company for last two decades without spending huge sums of money as well as time on creating new marketing ideas to push their brand into the market. 
  • Radio Campaigns are an effective tool to influence the public opinion because radio reaches a broader audience than any other medium, and is available to people who are otherwise isolated by geography, illiteracy, conflict, or poverty. 
  • The involvement of the public will intensify the decision makers’ attention to the water as well as sanitation topic, and it will also influence the social norms directly. 
  • Radio campaigns can have a direct effect on the public attitude and behavior. Radio also can motivate people by building on oral traditions like songs, which help to get to the people's heart. 
  • Listening to a radio program can be a group activity, which encourages the group discussion of educational issues after the broadcast. Community radio stations in metro or rural areas can play a notable role in growing participation and opinion sharing, developing and diversifying knowledge and skills and in catering to health and cultural needs. 
  • So in the era of smartphones, it is astounding that a large number of listeners are choosing products to buy after listening to the radio ads played between their favorite songs.

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