Case Study 4: Promoting an Online Travel Booking Website

You have decided to become an Entrepreneur & have decided to foray into the business of Online travel bookings in Mumbai & your website is called as b. Once you have shortlisted the online tool, what types of online metrics will you use to assess the performance of your website Unpredictability will always be an unavoidable factor in any business. The online metrics removes this element by opening a wide array of information related to the web traffic on your website. Following metrics should be used to assess the performance of our website.
Acquisition Overview: The acquisition overview report let you know about the number of people who have visited the website and where they have come from as per the timeframe. By your performance in a particular time frame, you can also assess your ongoing marketing strategy and its effectiveness. This report will also divide the traffic as search traffic(through a search engine), referral traffic(by clicking a link on another website), direct traffic(by typing the URL in a browser) & campaigns(tracked through pre-defined campaigns). Referral report: Knowing the referral traffic isn't enough, but understanding from where these people are coming from? is the real question. The referral track users click on the link to your website on the search engine, other blogs or websites or social media channels if posted. Understanding the primary source of your traffic is the key to success. The report will also help you to find other companies of blogs which might post your website link and drive traffic towards you, of course for a mutual benefit. Forming strong relationships through professional networking can do wonders for the businesses. Bounce Rate: When a user visits your website and immediately clicks the ‘back’ button or close the tab is considered as ‘Bounce.' It denotes that user didn't find what they have expected from your website before clicking and hey just decided to leave. The GA will provide you the complete information and the Bounce rate. An increasing bounce rate means something, somewhere in your website and marketing strategy is going wrong! You can review and modify specific pages of your website which are not performing very well. Top Landing Pages: This report assists us to understand on exactly which pages the highest number of visitors are landing on and creating successful sales funnel. Your top 10 pages might need more optimization and a particular call to action to boost more traffic. By focusing more, you can reduce the bounce rate on these pages. Exit pages: The Exit page report will denote that the page from which the visitors are leaving the website. So you can focus on making your top 10 pages as your exit pages where the customers should leave after going through the best you are offering. Conversion rate: Conversion rate tells us about the number of people who achieved their goal on your website. Such goals have a purchase, filling up the contact form, signing up or visiting a certain page.The constant monitoring of conversion rate will help you to measure success. If the rate suddenly drops, it may indicate that something is broken or not working properly on your website.

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