Why should a Rape be answered with Life but not Death?

In December 2012, a gruesome gang rape of a 22-year-old girl in Delhi shook the country within. Across the country, people with different backgrounds, class, gender, age, regions & religions gathered on the streets and gave voice to their protest. Due to massive public outrage, this case had become the priority of government as well as our judicial system. Because of this case, the issue of rapes in India was thoroughly discussed by media and common citizens. The general social sentiment was towards changing the law to make rapes capitally punishable. i.e., capital punishment for rape
        We are here to discuss the law as well the sentiments of the society, but not as an ordinary emotional citizen but a rational future bureaucrat. A hideous crime like rape affects all of us. Like any other human being, we get angry and look for easy and quick solutions. Capital punishment for murder is one such emotional solution which is based on satisfying the feelings of revenge. What is the approach of Indian Law towards this crime and penalty assigned to it?

Read the complete article HERE.

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