Understanding Balochistan from India’s perspective

The age-old issue of Balochistan was surfaced recently when India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the reference to Balochistan in his recent Independence Day speech. Mr. Modi has previously given a statement saying, Pakistan should answer the world for the atrocities they have committed in Balochistan and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. With the direct reference to the issue of Balochistan from the from a paramount podium of the Independence Day Speech, Indian Prime Minister has undoubtedly stirred the global diplomatic equation. Some welcomed this move of our Prime Minister, and some people criticized it. In this article, we will understand both of the sides and analyze the possible outcome.

What is the issue of Balochistan?

Balochistan is the largest but least developed mineral-rich province in Pakistan. It is situated on the western side of Pakistan which is also a home to around 13 million people (around 40%). Like India’s Kashmir, the province of Balochistan was under the command of Britishers and the rulers of Khanate of Kalat, when Pakistan got its independence. Pakistan forcefully acceded the province of Balochistan despite the hostility from Baloch Nationalists. The region has witnessed five waves of insurgencies which were put down by the Pakistani army. The issue of Balochistan was always handled with brute force, and many instances of human rights violation were reported.

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