The curious case of Cow Vigilantism in India

The 2015 Dadri mob lynching case shook the nation to its core. A 52-year old Muslim man was put to death, and his son was severely injured by an angry mob of cow vigilante. This attack was carried out on the suspicion cooking cow meat at his home. With this incident, the cow protection groups have once again surfaced to many other different regions in India, which resulted in many such events of savage beating and torturing to people from other communities in the name of cow and religion. A group of cow vigilante called Gau Raksha Dal publicly assaulted, stripped and flogged few Dalits claiming that they were killing and skinning the cow. So, in a year, the cow vigilantism has gone out of the control. Whatever started from Dadri has kindled a flame of ignorance and communalism.
In this article, we are going to discuss and understand this issue thoroughly. We will talk about these infamous incidents, their legality, the causes behind such groups and what can be done by government and us to deal with this scenario and maintain communal harmony in our society.

Read the complete article HERE.   

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