Gone are the days of the traditional format of sales pitches, door to door selling and promotional messages that are aiming for outdated goals. We are dealing with ultra-modern consumers who come with a whole new set of ideas and vivid perceptions. Many successful businesses from the last decade are now struggling even to retain their loyal customers and failing to make a strong impact on their potential consumers. This unending loop is getting smaller and shifting away from what the consumer needs.
How is today’s consumer? The modern consumer is smart, curious and highly perceptive. The advent of digitalization is feeding all these characteristics of the modern consumers and evolving them to assess products and services by themselves. In simple words, targeted information is the new currency which you need to invest while making a strong sales pitch. There was the time when a simple flyer with tacky images and a direct call to action was driving people mad to flood the shops. That’s certainly not the case now. Today’s consumer is not only interested in ‘What is the product/service?’ but ‘How is it created?’ And ‘Why I should purchase this?’. So, how do we approach such consumer? We should build sales our strategy with the goal of helping them to learn the product/service with 360-degree approach.
In today’s digitized world, the information is the key. The raw information should be manufactured, skillfully worked and packed just like a product. Consumer’s excitement and engagement are directly proportional to the impact of a sales pitch. Our job is to transform the so-called sales pitches into more interesting, highly interactive and easily accessible e-learning modules that are bound to make a difference.
We are surrounded by the ‘know-all’ generation. Making something to appear interesting in their eyes is certainly a challenging task, but with the help of modern tools, a real marketer can overcome such hurdles. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And what’s worth a picture without any words for a marketer? Nothing! Driving the consumers in the desired direction needs not only the words but sound, moving images and whatever the technology offers us. The goal is to create a real-time environment for consumers to understand the in and outs of a product/service. E-learning module skillfully blends all these features to grant genuine experience to the consumers.
Let’s take an example of live chat software. One can sum up the services in just a single line as ‘A reliable, top-notch and affordable software for person to person communication.’ But there is so much more to say! The usage of the software is different from the perspective of an end-consumer, a technician, and a marketer. Why? Because their needs are different. It is no brainer that our approach for each of them will be extremely diverse. So, how these multiple approaches can be segmented and targeted? With a comprehensive, easy-to-learn and interactive e-learning modules.
To break the idea and perfect it, LinkedIn is the best online tool so far. LinkedIn helps to network the professionals across the globe to verify the quality of an e-learning module and strengthen it though valuable insights. It offers a streamlined and cleaner look to drive engagement. To take the above example of live chat software, we can provide e-learning modules incorporating the model conversation using live graphics. The flash video comprising 3D characters breaking down the complex mechanisms of products and services in simplest form can surely make a difference.
Who doesn’t like stories? Everybody loves to engage in stories and the lives of fictional characters. Building an E-learning module is not so different than story-telling. The modernization has bestowed us with tools like LinkedIn where the users do not just listen to the stories like the old times, rather they live them and understand the crux of the idea behind a product/service.