India’s prospect as a nuclear power

What is NSG?
Founded in 1974, Nuclear Suppliers Group(NSG) is a group of nuclear supplier countries to prohibit abundant usage of nuclear material which in turn might be used for the production of nuclear weapons. To prevent Nuclear Proliferation, NSG oversees the export of nuclear material, equipment, and technology across the globe.
NSG came into being to counter the future events like the Indian Nuclear Test in May 1974.  India successfully conducted nuclear bomb test at Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan under the operation called ‘Smiling Buddha.'  In response to these nuclear test, the signatories of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (saw) founded the NSG group to further limit the export of nuclear material, equipment & technology. Including powerful countries in the world such as US, China, Russia, UK, Germany & France, till now 48 countries in the world are part of NSG.

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