Citizenship Amendment Act: A detailed discussion

The currently proposed Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016 was in the news when Rajya Sabha-appointed 10 of it’s members to the joint committee of parliament to go through and analyze this bill thoroughly. The bill is under the scrutiny of the opposition as well as the Intellectual fraternity of the country. In this article, we are going to discuss the original Citizenship Act and the proposed amendments by the current union government. We will also analyze the bill with a perspective of Indian Constitution.

What is Citizenship Amendment Act?
The citizenship act 1955 came into the existence to provide for the acquisition and determination of citizenship of India.  The bestowal of a person as the citizen of India is governed by Article 5 to 11 of the Constitution of India. By this act, the citizenship of India is granted by birth, descent, registration, naturalization & by incorporation of territory in India. The law also regulates the registration and benefits conferred on overseas citizens of India. Since it’s inception, this Act is amended at various times. The recently proposed amendment by Union Minister of Home Affairs seeks few fundamental changes in the original law.

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