Case Study 3: Promoting an Online Travel Booking Website

You have decided to become an Entrepreneur & have decided to foray into the business of Online travel bookings in Mumbai & your website is called as

a. Which tool will you use to track your website traffic & how will you associate the
tool with your website? 

I will choose the Google Analytics(GA) tool to track the traffic on my website. Google Analytics can be the best choice for the task of tracking and managing various aspects of websites traffic. The tool is quite user-friendly, free of charge(premium version for a fee) and marketer oriented. So, for an emerging entrepreneur, Google analytics can do wonders.
  The GA will help to track the traffic from all the sources such as search engine, display advertising, pay-per-click, email marketing and various digital collaterals. Based on the type of your business you can set up goals, compare the progress with time, in-depth geographical traffic data and funnel visualization. The AdWords help you to get the idea about the keyword which are attracting more visitors. Also, GA assists you in providing the knowledge about the design elements which are inducing or making customers turn away from your website. The navigation summary will give you the idea, how users maneuver through your website, using which you can re-arrange the data on your website to get the desired navigation. The Site Overlay will help you to understand how many time a particular link on your website is clicked, whereas the bounce rate will let you know the number of people left your website without navigating. The GA will pass on the keyword source, and referring sites which are sending traffic to your website.

Setting up GA on the website: 
1) Go to the Google Analytics webpage and Sign Up for free. You can use your Gmail id and password if you already possess a Gmail account.
2) In the next page, provide Google with the URL ‘’ Give a proper account name to your website.
3) Choose the country like India as your company is India based and serving in India only. Select the time zone of India.
4) Go to the Google Analytics terms and services and click on accept and create a new account in GA for your website.
5) Google will provide you a block of code. Copy the javascript code and insert it into each page of your website which you want to track.
6) The method for adding the code to your webpage: 
A) Get into the HTL of your page. If you are using WordPress, then open the footer.php file to paste this code.
B) Find the </body> tag at the bottom of the page which will place just before the </html> page.
C) If you see the code urchinTracker(), utmLinker(), utmSetTrans(), or utmLinkPost() above the </body> tag, then place the GA javascript code above this code.  If no such code is visible, then paste it just above the </body> tag.
D) If your website has templates, then also insert the code into them.
E) After uploading the modified pages back to your website. Now your website will be thoroughly tracked with GA, and you will be provided with all the above-mentioned beneficial features of GA.

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