4 Handy Tips to Avoid Cyberloafing

We know, we humans can’t work like machines for straight hours without flinching our focus onto the other things which are just a few clicks away. According to the research of the Kansas State University, around 60-70% of employees time on the internet has nothing to do anything with their given work. The cyberloafing results in greater productivity, and it also may land the corporation in legal dispute if the employees are indulging in the illegal online behavior at the workplace. To alleviate these risks effectively, I will take the following measures as a CISO,
1) Strong work ethics: 
To keep the system running swiftly for an extended amount of time requires a definitive approach towards the company’s mission statement and a robust set of rules to be followed. Educate and train your employees to follow these work ethics and explain them about the repercussions of their actions on their salary and incentives for following as well as not following these principles. Beginning a fight against cyberloafing in a non-rigid and simpler way is rational. With the results, we can learn the different type of employees who do follow or do not follow the work ethics if they are not rigidly enforced.
2) Consciousness and emotional stability: 
It is observed that the employees who are conscious & emotionally stable do spend more time and energy focusing only on their work and engage less into cyberloafing. So, these two factors should be considered while screening the interviewers during their job interviews. Also, the efforts should be made to keep the office environment playful and relaxed. Long working hours with impractical targets can bore anybody and tempt them to have a peek on social media sites. So, efforts should be made to modify the boring and mundane office environments. Keeping an ‘Office Pet’ is nowadays becoming a trend against cyberloafing.
3) Rewards and Punishment: 
Two main reasons of cyberloafing are having a feeling of not being challenged and boredom. Create a system of generous rewards and punishments. Start the employee of the month award to accolade the best employee for their productivity and work ethics. Create a system of giving incentives on practically possible targets. Gift your employees for achieving high success rate. Put efforts into creating a challenging, exciting and competitive environment in the office which should give your employees a feeling of game arena. Also, define them the minimum working target too. Employees who fail to achieve them or failed to show any progress will have certain punishments in the form of decreased incentives and termination as a last resort.
4) Computer monitoring software: 
This is the final resort for those employees who no matter what do not want to respond to any other above mentioned techniques.Many monitoring software detects the usage of a computer, identify what employees are surfing online and write policies for employees on acceptable Internet behavior. Take the strict actions on the employees who fail to comply with the company rules.    

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